Streetscapes Design

Downtown Streetscape Design

Downtown Streetscape Design

Streetscape improvements serve as a catalyst for downtown redevelopment.

A four million dollar investment by the City has created resurgence in the downtown, especially along Government Street. There are new restaurants, bars, and retail stores opening up on this strip. The streetscape enhancements, along with new infill development, have drastically improved the character of this quaint coastal town.

Along with the design team of Architect Bruce Tolar and Compton Engineering, Christian Preus Landscape Architecture (CPLA) transformed many areas of Downtown Ocean Springs. The overall streetscape project focused on the improvement of the Depot parking lot, Keyes Park, the major intersections, and Government Street.

Flowers, Flags, and Festivals

Ocean Springs has a long history of attracting tourists and new residents with the beauty and vibrancy of an active downtown.

Building on the history of this active downtown, our plans and designs proved to organize, parking and pedestrian circulation along the major corridors, to create a more walkable environment.

Our team designed the parking lot at the Depot to serve as both a parking lot and event space for festivals, fresh markets, and art displays. All of the major intersections in the downtown were given a new look with brick crosswalks, new concrete work, lighting, as well as landscape and irrigation for the planters.

Along Government Street, Live Oak trees were planted in curbed bulb out planters to introduce a canopy similar to that of Washington Avenue. The bulb outs serve to better organize parking along the street, and create a traffic calming effect on one of the downtown’s major east/west corridors.